Scripture Verse

Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. Ephesians 4:30


Lowell Mason (1792–1872)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749.

Music: Uxbridge Lo­well Ma­son, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Stay, Thou in­sult­ed Spir­it, stay,
Though I have done Thee such des­pite,
Nor cast the sin­ner quite away,
Nor take Thine ev­er­last­ing flight.

Though I have steeled my stub­born heart,
And still shook off my guil­ty fears,
And vexed, and urged Thee to de­part,
For ma­ny long re­bel­lious years;

Though I have most un­faith­ful been
Of all who e’er Thy grace re­ceived,
Ten thou­sand times Thy good­ness seen,
Ten thou­sand times Thy good­ness grieved;

Yet O! the chief of sin­ners spare,
In hon­or of my great High Priest,
Nor in Thy right­eous an­ger swear
T’exclude me from Thy peo­ple’s rest.

This on­ly woe I de­pre­cate.
This on­ly plague I pray re­move;
Nor leave me in my lost es­tate,
Nor curse me with this want of love.

If yet Thou canst my sins for­give,
From now, O Lord, re­lieve my woes,
Into Thy rest of love re­ceive,
And bless me with calm re­pose.

Now, Lord, my wea­ry soul re­lease,
Upraise me with Thy gra­cious hand.
And guide in­to Thy per­fect peace,
And bring me to the pro­mised land.