Scripture Verse

God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


Words: E. W. Oakes, 1886.

Music: Heath­row Pe­ter P. Bil­horn (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Oakes’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)


We’ll sing the won­drous sto­ry,
’Tis ev­er sweet and true;
Of Je­sus’ love so pre­cious,
Now free­ly of­fered you;
He left the joys of Hea­ven,
His Fa­ther’s home on high,
For lost and ru­ined sin­ners,
To suf­fer and to die.

The cru­el world, they took Him,
With thorns they crowned His head;
And then to Cal­va­ry’s mount­ain
The pre­cious Lamb was led;
The nails of shame were driv­en,
The blood flowed from His side;
He cried, O God, for­give them,
And bowed His head and died.

His friends whom He loved dear­ly,
And whom He died to save,
They begged His pre­cious body,
And laid it in the grave;
But God His Fa­ther raised Him,
Triumphant, from the dead,
Oh! glo­ry hal­le­lu­jah,
Now death is cap­tive lead.

My Lord now reigns in glo­ry,
He’s com­ing soon for me;
And then with all the ran­somed,
His glo­ri­ous face I’ll see;
And shout, Behold the Bride­groom
Put on your gar­ments fair.
And go ye out to meet Him,
With rap­ture in the air.