Scripture Verse

Jesus walked in Galilee. John 7:1


Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1893 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Mor­ris,


In fan­cy I stood by the shore, one day,
Of the beau­ti­ful mur­m’r­ing sea;
I saw the great crowds as they thronged the way
Of the Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee;
I saw how the man who was blind from birth,
In a mo­ment was made to see;
The lame was made whole by the match­less skill
Of the Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee.


And I felt I could love Him for­ev­er,
So gra­cious and ten­der was He!
I claimed Him that day as my Sav­ior,
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee.

His look of com­pas­sion, His words of love,
They shall ne­ver for­got­ten be;
When sin sick and help­less He saw me there,
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee;
He showed me His hand and His riv­en side,
And He whis­pered, It was for thee!
My bur­den fell off at the pierc­èd feet
Of the Stran­ger from Ga­li­lee.


I heard Him speak peace to the an­gry waves,
Of that tur­bu­lent, rag­ing sea;
And lo! at His word are the wa­ters stilled,
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee;
A peace­ful, a qui­et, and ho­ly calm,
Now and ev­er abides with me;
He hold­eth my life in His migh­ty hands,
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee.


Come ye who are driv­en, and tem­pest tossed,
And His gra­cious sal­va­tion see;
He’ll qui­et life’s storms with His Peace, be still!
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee;
He bids me to go and the sto­ry tell—
What He ev­er to you will be,
If on­ly you let Him with you ab­ide,
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee.

Oh, my friend, won’t you love Him for­ev­er?
So gra­cious and tend­er is He!
Accept Him today as your Sav­ior,
This Stran­ger of Ga­li­lee.