Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them.
Mark 10:14
Words: Clara L. Burnham, in Royal Praise, by James R. Murray (Cincinnati, Ohio: John Church, 1888), number 40.
Music: George F. Root (🔊
Suffer the children to come
—and the Savior
Held them with strong and with loving arm;
So every day He is bidding us nearer,
Longing to save us from sin and harm.
Come unto Him, come unto Him,
Longing to save from harm.
Come unto Me,
are the words to His children,
Wherever grieving because of sin;
Rest for your souls is His own blessèd promise,
O let His love, His divine love in.
Come unto Him, come unto Him,
Let His divine love in.
Easy the yoke that His mercy imposeth,
Choose ye, O choose ye the better part;
Light is the burden that’s carried in meekness,
Ye that are loving and lowly in heart.
Come unto Him, come unto Him,
Ye that are lowly in heart.