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Scripture Verse

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah 9:2


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1899.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 ).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

We were out rid­ing one day, and Mr. San­key said, There’s sun­shine on the hill, ev­en though there are sha­dows in the val­ley, and his re­mark led me to write the hymn in which those words are used.

Crosby, p. 188


There are sha­dows in the val­ley,
Where our tired feet must go;
But we hear the peace­ful wa­ters,
As they mur­mur soft and low;
And our Shep­herd whis­pers gent­ly
As He leads us on­ward still;
There are sha­dows in the val­ley,
But ’tis sun­shine on the hill.


Sunshine on the hill,
There is sun­shine on the hill
There are sha­dows in the valley,
But ’tis sun­shine on the hill.

There are sha­dows in the val­ley,
But we breathe the sweet per­fume
Of the ros­es on the mount­ain,
In their love­ly ver­nal bloom;
And again our Shep­herd whis­pers,
As He leads us on­ward still:
There are sha­dows in the val­ley,
But ’tis sun­shine on the hill.


Oh, the sha­dows in the val­ley
Like a dream will pass away;
They will van­ish at the dawn­ing
Of the bright and glo­ri­ous day;
Even now there comes an echo,
And we feel its ma­gic thrill:
There are sha­dows in the val­ley,
But ’tis sun­shine on the hill.
