Scripture Verse

The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, 1914.

Music: Hamp­ton H. Sew­ell (🔊 pdf nwc).

Hampton H. Sewell (1875–1938)


O the love of Je­sus
Means so much to me,
Keeps my path­way shin­ing,
Keeps me pure and free;
More and more I praise Him,
For He seems to be
Sweeter as the days go by.


Sweeter as the days go by,
Sweeter as the mo­ments fly;
He’s al­ways draw­ing near­er,
And to me His love is dear­er,
Sweeter as the days go by.

Precious, lov­ing Sav­ior,
All along the way,
Words of cheer and com­fort
I have heard Him say;
And He grows more pre­cious
To my soul each day,
Sweeter as the days go by.


He, I know, will keep me,
He will hold me fast
Till my earth­ly tri­als
Be for­ev­er past;
He will be, un­til I see
His face at last,
Sweeter as the days go by.
