Scripture Verse

When shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 42:2


Words: Sam­uel Cross­man, The Young Man’s Me­di­ta­tion 1664.

Music: Dar­wall’s 148th John Dar­wall, in The New Uni­vers­al Psal­mo­dist, by Aar­on Will­iams, 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Cross­man or Dar­wall (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Sweet place; sweet place alone!
The court of God most high,
The hea­ven of hea­vens, the throne
Of spot­less ma­jes­ty!


O hap­py place!
When shall I be, my God, with Thee,
To see Thy face?

The stran­ger home­ward bends,
And sighe­th for his rest:
Heaven is my home, my friends
Lodge there in Ab­ra­ham’s breast.


Earth’s but a sor­ry tent,
Pitched but a few frail days,
A short leased te­ne­ment;
Heaven’s still my song, my praise.


No tears from any eyes
Drop in that ho­ly choir:
But death it­self there dies,
And sighs them­selves ex­pire.


There should temp­ta­tions cease,
My frail­ties there should end.
There should I rest in peace
In the arms of my best friend.


Jerusalem on high
My song and ci­ty is,
My home when­e’er I die,
The cen­ter of my bliss.


Thy walls, sweet ci­ty! thine
With pearls are gar­nished,
Thy gates with prais­es shine,
Thy streets with gold are spread.


No sun by day shines there,
No moon by si­lent night.
O no! these need­less are;
The Lamb’s the ci­ty’s light.


There dwells my Lord, my king,
Judged here un­fit to live;
There an­gels to Him sing,
And low­ly hom­age give.


The pa­tri­archs of old
There from their tra­vels cease:
The pro­phets there be­hold
Their longed for Prince of Peace.


The Lamb’s apos­tles there
I might with joy be­hold:
The harp­ers I might hear
Harping on harps of gold.


The bleed­ing mar­tyrs, they
Within those courts are found;
All clothed in pure ar­ray,
Their scars with glo­ry crowned.


Ah me! ah me! that I
In Ke­dar’s tents here stay;
No place like this on high;
Thither, Lord! guide my way.
