Scripture Verse

He shall feed His flock like a shepherd. Isaiah 40:11


Charlotte A. Barnard (1830–1869)

Words: Will­iam A. Mühl­en­berg, in the Pray­er Book Col­lect­ion, 1826.

Music: Brock­les­by Char­lotte A. Bar­nard, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William A. Mühlenberg (1796–1877)


Savior, who Thy flock art feed­ing
With the Shep­herd’s kind­est care,
All the fee­ble gent­ly lead­ing,
While the lambs Thy bo­som share.

Now, these lit­tle ones re­ceiv­ing,
Fold them in Thy gra­cious arm;
There, we know, Thy Word be­liev­ing,
Only there se­cure from harm.

Never, from Thy pas­ture rov­ing,
Let them be the li­on’s prey;
Let Thy ten­der­ness, so lov­ing,
Keep them through life’s dan­ger­ous way.

Then with­in Thy fold eter­nal
Let them find a rest­ing place,
Feed in pas­tures ev­er ver­nal,
Drink the ri­vers of Thy grace.