Scripture Verse

Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord. Exodus 32:29


Josiah Carley (1996–)

Words & Mu­sic: Jo­si­ah Car­ley, 2012 (🔊 pdf nwc).

I had just fin­ished my ev­en­ing pray­er, and was about to re­tire for the night when I was in­spired to cre­ate a song based on the pray­er I had just prayed. As I be­gan to write, the words flowed swift­ly from my heart, and a po­em was soon com­posed. A few days lat­er I set it to mu­sic, and this hymn of con­se­cra­tion was writ­ten.


Take me as Thy tool, O Lord;
Use me as thou wilt.
Wash me with Thy cleans­ing pow­er,
Thy blood so free­ly spilt.
I ask no oth­er thing,
No other fer­vent plea,
But this one thing I ask, O Lord:
Let me be ruled by Thee.

Take me as Thy tool, O Lord;
Sanctify my all.
Take my life, my love, my will,
Tune me to hear Thy call.
My life is lived in vain,
If it is not for Thee;
So let me die to self to­day,
And come Thou, live in me.

Take me as Thy tool, O Lord;
Purge me in Thy flame.
Use me by Thy skill­ful hand,
Bring glo­ry to Thy name.
No work do I de­sire,
No thing in all the earth,
But that which Thou dost give to me,
Of true, eter­nal worth.

Take me as Thy tool, O Lord;
Mold me for Thy tasks.
Here I lie, to wait to do
All that Thy ser­vice asks.
Lord, I am not mine own,
For Thou hast pur­chased me;
So take con­trol of all I am,
And so I shall be free.

Take me as Thy tool, O Lord;
Lead me to the skies;
Make my life all that Thou seest
As best in Thine own eyes.
If I should live or die,
It mat­ters not as long
As my whole life doth make Thee smile,
A sweet and pleas­ing song.

Take me as Thy tool, O Lord;
When my work is done,
Let my life be well to Thee,
And let the prize be won.
For Thee I live to­day,
For Thee I glad shall be
Laid down, if I may one day sing
Thy praise eter­nal­ly.