Scripture Verse

Ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city. Joshua 6:3


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, Vol­ume 1, 1749, num­ber 141.

Music: Dia­de­ma­ta George J. El­vey, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


The Taking of Jericho
James Tissot (1836–1902)

Arise, ye men of war,
Prevent the morn­ing ray,
Prepare, your cap­tain cries, pre­pare,
Your cap­tain leads the way:
He calls you forth to fight,
Where yon­der ram­parts rise,
Ramparts of a stu­pendous height,
Ramparts that touch the skies.

Who dares ap­proach those tow­ers?
Who can those walls o’er­turn?
The city braves all hu­man pow­ers,
And laughs a siege to scorn.
Who shall the ci­ty take,
The Je­ri­cho within?
Not all the pow­ers of earth can shake
The strength of in­bred sin.

Impregnable it stands,
Strong, and walled up to Hea­ven;
But God in­to our Jo­shua’s hands
The ci­ta­del hath giv­en;
The fort­ress and its king,
And all his val­iant men,
Our cap­tain to the ground shall bring,
And on their ruins reign.

All pow­er He hath to quell,
And con­quer and o’er­throw,
All power in Hea­ven, and earth, and hell,
To root out ev­ery foe;
Through Him di­vine­ly bold
Let all His sol­diers fight,
Now of your cap­tain’s strength take hold,
And con­quer in His might.

Ye peo­ple all pass on;
Ye men of war sur­round
The ci­ty by your cap­tain won;
Attend the trum­pet’s sound:
The priests whom He hath chose
Pass on be­fore the Lord,
And each a ram’s-horn trum­pet blows,
The trum­pet of the Word.

The ho­ly ark they bear,
The co­ve­nant of His grace,
And tid­ings of great joy de­clare
To all the fall­en race:
They make His mer­cies known,
His pro­mis­es they show:
Go in the track your guides have shown,
To cer­tain con­quest go.

In sight of God pro­ceed,
Follow the ark di­vine,
In all the ways and stat­utes tread,
Which He hath pleased to en­join:
Pray al­ways, fast, and pray,
And watch to do His will;
All His com­mands with joy ob­ey,
All right­eous­ness ful­fill.

With pa­tience per­se­vere,
Still in His ways be found,
Still to the ci­ty walls draw near,
And day by day sur­round;
Continue in His Word,
On all His means at­tend,
Bearing the bur­den of the Lord,
And hop­ing to the end.

Arise, your strength re­new,
Your glo­ri­ous toil re­peat,
Follow the ark, your Lord pur­sue,
And for His pro­mise wait;
In deep­est si­lence go;
Your Jo­shua cries, Be still,
Assured His truth and pow­er to know,
And prove His per­fect will.

Tried to the ut­ter­most
His faith­ful Word shall be,
Who in the strength of Je­sus trust
Shall gain the vic­to­ry:
But wait for your re­ward,
And give your cla­mors o’er,
Tarry the lei­sure of your Lord,
Nor ever mur­mur more.

The so­lemn day draws nigh
When sin shall have its doom,
Faith sees it with an eagle’s eye,
And cries, The day is come;
The se­venth morn I see,
And hast­en to be blest,
Enjoy an in­stant vic­to­ry,
An an­te­dat­ed rest.

The walls are com­passed round,
This cir­cuit is the last:
The ark stands still: the trum­pets sound
A long con­tin­ued blast:
The peo­ple turn their eyes
On the de­vot­ed walls;
And Shout, the migh­ty Jo­shua cries,
And lo! the ci­ty falls.

Its proud as­pir­ing brow
Lies le­vel with the ground;
It lies, and not one stone is now
Upon ano­ther found.
The walls are flat, the deep
Foundations are o’er­thrown;
The lof­ty fortress is a heap
And sin is trod­den down.

The strength of sin is lost,
And Ba­by­lon the great
Is fall­en, fall­en to the dust,
Has found its fin­al fate.
Partakers of our hope,
We seize what God hath giv’n,
And tramp­ling down all sin go up,
And straight as­cend to Hea­ven.

But shall not sin re­main,
And in its ru­ins live?
No, Lord, we trust, and not in vain,
Thy full­ness to re­ceive;
Thy strength and sav­ing grace
Thou shalt for us em­ploy,
The be­ing of all sin erase,
And ut­ter­ly de­stroy.

Actual and in­bred sin
Shall feel Thy two-edged sword:
The city is, with all there­in,
Devoted to the Lord:
Thy Word can­not be broke,
Thou wilt Thine arm dis­play,
Thou wilt with one con­tin­ual stroke
Our sin for ev­er slay.

Woman, and man, and beast,
And ox, and ass, and sheep,
All, all at once shall be op­pressed
By death’s eter­nal sleep;
Never to rise again,
Both young and old shall fall;
Not one shall ’scape, not one re­main,
But die and per­ish all.

The hu­man beast and fiend
Thou, Lord, shall take away,
And make the old trans­gress­ion end,
And all its rel­ics slay;
The proud and car­nal will,
The self­ish vain de­sire,
Thou all our sins at once shalt kill,
And burn them all with fire.