Scripture Verse

I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. Psalm 44:6


Joseph Proud (1745–1826)

Words: Jo­seph Proud, in Li­tur­gy of the New Church, 4th edi­tion (Bal­ti­more, Ma­ry­land: Sam­uel & John Ad­ams, 1792), pag­es 316–17.

Music: Vul­pi­us Mel­chi­or Vul­pi­us, Ein schön geist­lich Ge­sang­buch (Je­na, Ger­ma­ny, 1609) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Vul­pi­us (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Thou art the migh­ty King of kings,
The Lord of lords most high;
Israel is safe be­neath Thy wings,
Thy ser­vants shall not die.

Thro’ Thee we shall the vic­to­ry gain,
Tho’ hosts of hell op­pose;
Thou art our God, and Thou wilt reign,
In spite of all Thy foes.

We trust not in our bow or sword;
For weak­ness is our power:
In Thee we trust, al­migh­ty Lord,
Through ev­ery dan­ger­ous hour.

Thou hast al­rea­dy set us free,
And put our foes to shame;
Beneath Thy ban­ner still we’ll be,
Our re­fuge is Thy name.

In Thee we boast, Thou God of love,
Thy ho­ly name adore;
And as we rise to Heav’n above,
We’ll love and praise Thee more.