Scripture Verse

Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on Thy right hand, and the other on the left, in Thy kingdom. Matthew 20:21


William Monk (1823–1889)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: John H. New­man, in Ly­ra Apos­to­li­ca, 1836.

Music: St. Mag­nus at­trib­ut­ed to Je­re­mi­ah Clarke, in The Di­vine Com­pan­ion, se­cond edi­tion, by Hen­ry Play­ford (Lon­don: 1707). Har­mo­ny by Will­iam H. Monk, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John H. Newman
National Portrait Gallery



Two bro­thers free­ly cast their lot
With Da­vid’s roy­al Son;
The cost of con­quest count­ing not,
They deem the bat­tle won.

Brothers in heart, they hope to gain
An un­di­vid­ed joy,
That man may one with man re­main,
As boy was one with boy.

Christ heard; and willed that James should fall
First prey of Sa­tan’s rage;
John lin­ger out his fel­lows all,
And die in blood­less age.

Now they join hands once more above
Before the Con­quer­or’s throne!
Thus God grants pray­er; but in His love
Makes times and ways His own.

All glo­ry to the Fa­ther be,
All glo­ry to the Son,
All glo­ry, Ho­ly Ghost, to Thee
While end­less ages run.