Scripture Verse

O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvelous things: His right hand, and His holy arm, hath gotten Him the victory. Psalm 98:1


Richard W. Adams (1952–)

Words: Will­iam C. Dix, A Vi­sion of All Saints (Lon­don: John Hod­ges, 1871), pag­es 33–34. Ar­ranged by Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, Ap­ril 3, 2019 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: York­shire John Wain­right, 1750 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Wain­wright (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William C. Dix (1837–1898)


To Christ the Mon­arch, be our praise to­day,
Unto the Lord who set His peo­ple free;
His tribes have passed on dry ground through the flood,
Their foes cast down to dark­est depth of sea;
With His right hand, and glo­ri­ous ho­ly arm
The King gains for Him­self the vic­to­ry.

The ene­my said, I will ov­er­take,
But horse and rid­er sank down like a stone
In surg­ing tide, when part­ed wa­tery walls
By God on high were all to­ge­ther thrown.
With His right hand, and glo­ri­ous migh­ty pow­er
The King gains for Him­self the vic­to­ry.

The ene­my said, I will cast them down
To lions’ den, into the se­v’n­fold flame
But an­gels saved them from the li­ons’ mouths,
And cool­ing wind in­to the fur­nace came.
With His right hand, that rules o’er beast and fire,
The King gains for Him­self the vic­to­ry.

The ene­my said, I will bind in chains
Th’im­pri­soned souls that lie in death’s do­main
But Christ the Lord led them into the light,
And Ha­des’ pri­son­ers were free again;
With His right hand, and pow­er o’er life and death,
The King gains for Him­self the vic­to­ry.

Glory, thanks­giv­ing, prais­es to the King
May all His ser­vants bring ’til hea­vens ring;
See, through the grave and gate of death He passed,
From bonds of sin His pre­cious own to free;
With His right hand, and glo­ri­ous ho­ly arm
The King gains for Him­self the vic­to­ry.