Scripture Verse

Cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Keith L. Brooks (1887–1954)

Words: Ralph Is­bell, 1920.

Music: Keith L. Brooks (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Is­bell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Is your heart filled with sor­row,
Are you fear­ful for to­morr­ow—
Just tell it all to Je­sus right away.
Are you sore­ly dis­ap­point­ed?
Do you long to be an­oint­ed?
Just tell it all to Je­sus,
When you go and pray.

If He’s saved you from sin,
And ano­ther you would win,
Just tell it all to Je­sus right away.
Do not wait ano­ther hour
To claim the hea­ven­ly pow’r,
Just tell it all to Je­sus,
When you go and pray.

Is your life filled with joy
That has none of sin’s al­loy,
Just tell it all to Je­sus right away.
Let His praise em­ploy your voice,
Make ano­ther soul re­joice,
Just tell it all to Je­sus,
When you go and pray.