Scripture Verse

Cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Words: Her­bert H. Booth, in Songs of Vic­to­ry, com­piled by An­drew W. Bell (Glas­gow, Scot­land: Scot­tish Bi­ble and Book So­ci­ety, 1890), num­ber 199.

Music: Puig­cer­dà Her­bert H. Booth, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Herbert H. Booth (1862–1926)


Tell it to Je­sus, He un­der­stands thee,
Reads all the sec­ret in­tents of thy heart;
Foes may mis­judge, and friends may mis­take thee,
He will not deal with thee but as thou art.


Tell it to Je­sus, He un­der­stands thee,
What is thy gain, and what is thy loss;
While thou art His, no harm can be­fall thee,
Tell out thy heart at the foot of His cross.

Tell it to Je­sus, He un­der­stands thee,
Knows all thy sor­rows and sees all thy tears;
Knows all the hid­den pow­ers that with­stand thee,
Knows all thy trem­blings, doubts and thy fears.


Tell it to Je­sus, He un­der­stands thee,
He can ex­plain ev­ery mys­tery of life;
He can un­ra­vel tan­gles that try thee,
He can speak peace midst thy tur­moil and strife.


Tell it to Je­sus, He un­der­stands thee,
Seeks by His Spir­it to per­fect thy soul;
Sorrows and tri­als He sends to re­fine thee,
Tell him thy case, not in part, but in whole.


Tell it to Je­sus, He un­der­stands thee,
Hide not thy faults, ex­cuse not thy sin;
For in the day of ac­count He will greet thee,
Not as thou art from with­out, but with­in.
