Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
John 4:35
Words: Nellie A. Davidson, in United Praise, edited by Edmund S. Lorenz & Ira B. Wilson (New York: Lorenz & Company, 1908), number 67.
Music: H. W. Porter (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know Porter’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Davidson,
The fields are white, the harvest waits
The reaper’s hand to garner in
The sheaves of good for Christ the Lord,
From out those earthly fields of sin.
Go bring them in, go bring them in,
The souls for whom Christ died;
Tell out the news, the blessèd news,
Of our Redeemer crucified.
Go ye into the whole wide world,
And teach of Christ to men undone;
Till He shall everywhere be known,
And many souls to Him be won.
To those that work, the blest reward,
As stars they shall forever shine:
When I shall all My jewels count,
In that glad day they shall be Mine.