Scripture Verse

The Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me. John 15:26


Lowell Mason (1792–1872)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Re­dem­ption Hymns 1747.

Music: Ari­el Wolf­gang A. Moz­art (1756–1791). Ar­ranged by Lo­well Ma­son, 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Thou great mys­te­ri­ous God un­known,
Whose love hath gent­ly led me on,
E’en from my in­fant days,
Mine in­most soul ex­pose to view,
And tell me if I ev­er knew
Thy jus­ti­fy­ing grace,
Thy jus­ti­fy­ing grace.

If I have on­ly known Thy fear,
And fol­lowed, with a heart sin­cere,
Thy draw­ings from above,
Now, let the fur­ther grace be­stow,
And let my sprin­kled con­sci­ence know
Thy sweet for­giv­ing love,
Thy sweet for­giv­ing love.

Father, in me re­veal Thy Son,
And to my in­most soul make known
How mer­ci­ful Thou art;
The sec­ret of Thy love re­veal,
And by Thy hal­low­ing Spir­it dwell
Forever in my heart,
Forever in my heart!

If now the wit­ness were in me,
Would He not tes­ti­fy of Thee,
In Je­sus re­con­ciled?
And should I not with faith draw nigh,
And bold­ly, Ab­ba, Fa­ther, cry,
And know my­self Thy child,
And know my­self Thy child?