Scripture Verse

Songs of praise and thanksgiving unto God. Nehemiah 12:46


Words & Mu­sic: John M. Dye, in The Best Gos­pel Songs and Their Com­pos­ers (Dal­ton, Geor­gia: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, 1904), num­ber 117 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Dye,

John M. Dye (1875–1957)


We would thank Thee, heav’nly Fa­ther,
For the bless­ings of our past days;
And our hearts to­day o’er­flow with glad­ness,
Unto Thee, we ren­der grate­ful praise.


Praise Him, ev­er praise Him,
And His love pro­claim;
Glory, praise and hon­or
Be un­to His name.

We would thank Thee for Thy guid­ance,
Thou hast kept us from day to day;
For our com­mon good, dear Lord, we thank Thee,
Thou wilt ev­er be our shield and stay.


We would thank Thee, gra­cious Fa­ther,
Life and health we still pos­sess;
Now ac­cept the trib­ute, Lord, we bring Thee,
We Thy ho­ly name with prais­es bless.
