Scripture Verse

Grace is poured into thy lips…God hath blessed thee for ever. Psalm 45:2


Augustus M. Toplady
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Au­gus­tus M. Top­la­dy (1740–1778), alt.

Music: Glas­bu­ry Sam­uel S. Wes­ley, in A Se­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns, by Charles Kem­ble (Lon­don: John F. Shaw, 1864), num­ber 54 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel Wesley (1810–1876)


Thee, Fa­ther, we bless, whose dis­tin­guish­ing grace
Selected a peo­ple to show forth Thy praise:
Nor is Thy love known by elect­ion alone;
For, O Thou hast add­ed the gift of Thy Son.

The good­ness in vain we at­tempt to ex­plain,
Which found and ac­cept­ed a ran­som for men.
Great sure­ty of Thine, Thou didst not de­cline
To fol­low the Fa­ther’s most gra­cious design.

To Je­sus our Sav­ior our thanks shall as­cend,
Who saves to the ut­most, and loves to the end.
Our ran­som He paid! In His mer­it ar­rayed,
Attain we the glo­ry for which we were made.

Sweet Spir­it, how gra­cious! Thy mer­cy we bless,
Thy em­in­ent share in the coun­cil of peace:
Great agent di­vine, to re­store us is Thine,
And cause us afresh in Thy like­ness to shine.

O God, ’tis Thy part to con­vince and con­vert:
To give a new life, and cre­ate a new heart:
By pre­fer­ence and grace we’re up­held in our race,
And kept in Thy love to the end of our days.

The Fa­ther, and Spir­it and Son act as one,
Secure our sal­va­tion and cry, It is done!
Let us too agree now to glo­ri­fy Thee,
Ineffable One! Thou ad­or­able Three!