Scripture Verse

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13


Wolfgang Mozart

Words: Ida W. Ben­ham, in The Sun­day School Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Charles L. Hutch­ins (Buf­fa­lo, New York: Breed, Lent, 1871), num­ber 118.

Music: The Di­vine Friend Wolf­gang A. Moz­art (1756–1791) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Ida W. Benham (1849–1903)


There’s no oth­er friend like Je­sus,
None so faith­ful, none so true;
Though the waves break wild­ly o’er us,
He will guide us safe­ly through;
Storms and tem­pests shrink be­fore Him,
He can calm them at His will:
Jesus, calm our stor­my pas­sions
With Thy won­drous Peace, be still.

There’s no oth­er friend like Je­sus,
He who died our souls to save;
He who dwelt on earth in meek­ness;
Healed, and pi­tied, and for­gave.
Still He pi­ties, still He loves us,
In His ho­ly, hap­py home,
And with voice of gra­cious mer­cy,
Bids the wan­der­ing sin­ner, come.

There’s no oth­er friend like Je­sus,
Holy an­gels, chant the song;
Sing His love and won­drous mer­cy;
Children, join the heav’n­ly throng.
Raise the joy­ful, hap­py chor­us,
Thank Him for His lov­ing grace,
Let it be your hap­py por­tion
To pro­claim the Sav­ior’s praise.