Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: G. B. MacKee. The first known appearance of these words was in an unknown publication printed by McCalla & Stavely of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1883. The wording suggests the song was written for young people’s use.
Music: H. W. Porter (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know MacKee or Porter’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
There rose on the air a sweet, sweet song
That told of a Savior’s birth;
The song of that pure and holy throng
That brought good news to the earth.
Jesus, our Savior, we hail Thee as our king.
Jesus, our Savior, to Thee our hearts we bring.
Hail, all hail! O hail the King of Glory.
Praise and magnify His holy name.
Glad tidings of joy to man they bring,
Your Savior is born this day!
As angels the sweet, sweet song still sing,
We’ll join in their heavenly lay.
Thro’ mountain and vale the sweet song rang,
Glad tidings of joy we bring!
The mountains echoed the song they sang,
Peace on earth, good will to men.
Our Savior who on that day was born,
Was the bright and morning Star
We’ll walk in His light both night and morn,
Till we reach our home afar.
Savior, to Thee our young hearts we give,
To Thee sweetest praises we sing;
Our love and our lives to Thee we give;
Accept the off’ring we bring.