Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words: G. B. Mac­Kee. The first known ap­pear­ance of these words was in an un­known pub­li­ca­tion print­ed by Mc­Cal­la & Stave­ly of Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia, in 1883. The word­ing sug­gests the song was writ­ten for young peo­ple’s use.

Music: H. W. Por­ter (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mac­Kee or Por­ter’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There rose on the air a sweet, sweet song
That told of a Sav­ior’s birth;
The song of that pure and ho­ly throng
That brought good news to the earth.


Jesus, our Sav­ior, we hail Thee as our king.
Jesus, our Sav­ior, to Thee our hearts we bring.
Hail, all hail! O hail the King of Glo­ry.
Praise and mag­ni­fy His ho­ly name.

Glad tid­ings of joy to man they bring,
Your Sav­ior is born this day!
As an­gels the sweet, sweet song still sing,
We’ll join in their heav­en­ly lay.


Thro’ mount­ain and vale the sweet song rang,
Glad tid­ings of joy we bring!
The mount­ains ech­oed the song they sang,
Peace on earth, good will to men.


Our Sav­ior who on that day was born,
Was the bright and morn­ing Star;
We’ll walk in His light both night and morn,
Till we reach our home afar.


Savior, to Thee our young hearts we give,
To Thee sweet­est prais­es we sing;
Our love and our lives to Thee we give;
Accept the off’r­ing we bring.
