Scripture Verse

The kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21


Words & Mu­sic: Kent E. Schnei­der, 1967 (🔊 pdf nwc).


There’s a church with­in us, O Lord,
There’s a church with­in us, O Lord.
Not a build­ing, but a soul,
Not a por­tion but a whole—
There’s a church with­in us, O Lord.

There’s po­ten­tial with­in us, O Lord;
Something’s stirr­ing with­in us, O Lord.
Something’s strain­ing to have birth,
To be vi­si­ble on earth—
There’s po­ten­tial with­in us, O Lord.

There’s a fire with­in us, O Lord;
A new life’s a-burn­in’, O Lord.
A fire for new life,
Combating pre­sent strife—
There’s a fire with­in us, O Lord.

There’s some build­ing to be done, O Lord,
There’s some build­ing to be done, O Lord.
Not with steel, not with stone,
But with lives which are our own—
There’s the church to be built, O Lord.

There’s the church with­in us, O Lord,
There’s the church with­in us, O Lord.
Not a build­ing, but one soul,
Not a por­tion, but one whole—
We are your church in the world.