They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting,
John 12:12–13Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel.
Words: Thomas R. Taylor (1807–1835). Published posthumously in Memoirs and Select Remains, 1836.
Music: Palm Sunday Karl P. Harrington, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).
There was a time when children sang
The Savior’s praise with sacred glee,
And all the hills of Judah rang
With their exulting jubilee.
O to have joined their rapturous songs,
And swelled their sweet hosannas high,
And blessed Him with our feeble tongues
As He, the Man of grief, went by!
But Christ is now a glorious king,
And angels in His presence bow;
The humble songs that we can sing,
O will He, can He, hear them now?
He can, He will, He loves to hear
The notes which loving children raise;
Jesus, we come with trembling fear:
O teach our hearts and tongues to praise!
We join the hosts around Thy throne,
Who once, like us, the desert trod;
And thus we make their song our own,
Hosanna to the Son of God!