Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105
Words: Henry J. Betts, Children’s Hosanna 1864.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel, Joyful Praise (Cincinnati, Ohio: Jennings & Graham, 1902), number 102 (🔊
There is a lamp whose steady light
Can guide the traveler in the night;
’Tis God’s own Word; its beaming ray
Can turn a midnight into day.
Give me this lamp to light my road,
This storehouse for my daily food;
Give me this chart for life’s rough sea,
These healing leaves, this healing tree.
There is a chart whose tracings show
The onward course where tempests blow;
’Tis God’s own Word; there, there is found
Direction for the homeward bound.
There is a tree whose leaves impart
Health to the burdened, contrite heart;
’Tis God’s own Word; it cures of sin,
And makes the guilty conscience clean.