Scripture Verse

The holy land. Zechariah 2:12


Words: From Spe­cial Songs and Ser­vic­es for Pri­ma­ry and In­ter­me­di­ate Class­es, ed­it­ed by Mrs. M. G. Ken­ne­dy (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: W. A. [Will­iam All­an] Wilde, 1893), page 65.

Music: Bron­des­bu­ry, from Spe­cial Songs and Ser­vic­es for Pri­ma­ry and In­ter­me­di­ate Class­es, ed­it­ed by Mrs. M. G. Ken­ne­dy (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: W. A. Wilde, 1893), page 65 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


There is a ho­ly land called Pa­les­tine
Round which the Chris­tian heart will ev­er twine.
Sacred each height sub­lime, sac­red each creep­ing vine,
Sacred each scene of thine, blest Pa­le­stine.

There in that ho­ly land, the feet have trod
Of pro­phets, priests and kings, an­gels and God.
There Ab­ram’s faith was tried, there Da­vid sang and died,
There Christ was cru­ci­fied, in Pa­les­tine.