Scripture Verse

This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven. Acts 1:11


Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal (1836–1879). Ap­peared in The Min­is­try of Song, third edi­tion (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1872), pag­es 134–36. Refrain from Car­mi­na Cen­tum, ed­it­ed by Sam­uel Mor­ris­on (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: J. M. Rus­sell, 1882), num­ber 6.

Music: Fro­si­none, ano­ny­mous, 1882 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Frances R. Havergal


This same Je­sus! Oh! how sweet­ly
Fall those words up­on the ear,
Like a swell of far off mu­sic,
In a night watch still and drear.


This same Je­sus! this same Je­sus!
Bless the Mas­ter’s change­less name;
Yesterday, to­day, for­ev­er,
Jesus Christ is still the same.

He who healed the hope­less lep­er,
He who dried the wi­dow’s tear;
He who changed to health and glad­ness,
Helpless suf­fer­ing, trem­bling fear;


He who wan­dered, poor and home­less,
By the stor­my Ga­li­lee;
He who on the night-robed mount­ain
Bent in pray­er the wear­ied knee;


He who spoke as none had spok­en,
Angel wis­dom far above,
All-forgiving, ne’er up­braid­ing,
Full of ten­der­ness and love.


He who gent­ly called the wea­ry
Come, and I will give you rest!
He who loved the lit­tle child­ren,
Took them in His arms and blest;


He, the lone­ly Man of Sor­rows,
’Neath our sin-curse bend­ing low;
By His faith­less friends for­sak­en
In the dark­est hours of woe;


This same Je­sus! When the vi­sion
Of that last and aw­ful day
Bursts upon the pros­trate spir­it,
Like a mid­night light­ning ray.


When, else dim­ly ap­pre­hend­ed,
All its ter­rors seem re­vealed,
Trumpet-knell and fiery hea­vens,
And the books of doom un­sealed;


Then, we lift our hearts ad­or­ing
This same Je­sus, loved and known,
Him, our own most gra­cious Sav­ior,
Seated on the great white throne;


He Him­self, and not ano­ther,
He for whom your heart-love yearned,
Through long years of twi­light wait­ing,
To His ran­somed ones re­turned!


For this word, O Lord, we bless Thee,
Bless our Mas­ter’s change­less name;
Yesterday, to­day, for ev­er,
Jesus Christ is still the same.
