Scripture Verse

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10


Benjamin Carr (1768–1831)

Words: Jo­si­ah Con­der, The Choir and the Ora­to­ry (Lon­don: Jack­son & Wal­ford, 1837), pag­es 31–33.

Music: Ma­drid (Carr) tra­di­tion­al Spa­nish tune. Ar­ranged by Ben­ja­min Carr, 1824 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Josiah Conder (1789–1855)


Thou from whom all be­ing sprang,
Thou on whom all crea­tures hang,
Thine eter­nal will must be
Nature’s mor­al har­mo­ny.

That all-per­fect law main­tains
Holy bliss, where’er it reigns.
Happy all who so ful­fill,
Willingly, their mak­er’s will.

By what dire mys­ter­ious force,
Swerving from their pro­per course,
Did crea­ted wills be­gin
Discord, mi­se­ry, and sin?

There are re­gions near Thy throne
Where all ev­il is un­known.
Angels who ex­cel in might,
Find Thy ser­vice pure de­light.

All those glo­ri­ous hosts above
Do Thy word on wings of love.
Each, in his as­signed em­ploy,
Finds a ple­ni­tude of joy.

Father of eter­nal grace,
Thou hast loved man’s re­bel race.
Let Thy will, through Christ, Thy Son,
As in Heav’n, on earth be done.

Here in vain Thy law is known,
Heard in thun­der, graved on stone.
By Thy grace Thy will im­part:
Write Thy law on ev­ery heart.

Let Thy re­con­cil­ing word
By all tribes of men be heard.
Give the new cre­ation birth:
Let Thy will be done on earth.