Scripture Verse

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32


Words: Tho­mas L. Har­ris, Hymns of Spi­ri­tu­al De­vo­tion (New York: New Church Pub­lish­ing As­so­cia­tion, 1857), num­ber 45.

Music: Pla­no, from Song-Hym­nal of Praise and Joy (Jack­son, Min­ne­so­ta: Plu­ma M. Brown, 1897) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Brown (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Thomas L. Harris (1823–1906)


Through mid­night ag­es dark and lone,
Oppression tri­umphed o’er the free;
They set the watch, they rolled the stone,
Upon the grave of li­ber­ty;
When lo! the an­gels burst the gloom,
And free­dom ris­es from the tomb.

Robed in the sa­ble veil of fear,
The mourn­ers haste at ear­ly day,
But an­gels from a bright­er sphere
Disperse their gloomy cares away;
Rejoice! O earth, rej­oice! they cry
For free­dom lives, no more to die.

O Christ, our Sav­ior! Thou who art
The Lord and rul­er of the free,
Reveal to ev­ery hu­man heart
The free­dom that is found in Thee;
So shall the world’s last ty­rant fall,
And love and light be all in all.