Scripture Verse

The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. Isaiah 35:7


Richard W. Adams (1952–)

Words: An­na Pi­ros­ka Will­iams, 2010 (És Tó­vá Lesz a Dé­li­báb). Trans­lat­ed from Hun­ga­ri­an to Eng­lish by An­na Will­iams, 2017. Ver­si­fied by Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, 2017 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Lou­el­la in Har­mo­nia Sac­ra, by Jos­eph Funk, 12th edi­tion, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Anna P. Williams


Many peo­ple think that God’s pro­mis­es are just a mir­age…we think some­thing pro­mis­ing is there, but then it turns out to have been just a mir­age—a snare and a de­lu­sion…How­ev­er, God says it in His Word, that what we take to be just a mir­age, will turn out to be wa­ter to quench our thirst and keep us al­ive.

Anna Piroska Williams
June 4, 2017


While plod­ding through the de­sert land,
Is all you see but mi­rage and sand?
Has God hid His face, for­got­ten His child?
The liv­ing wa­ter gone with His smile?

The long years stretch on, the sun burn­ing down,
The bur­den so hea­vy, and hard the ground;
As strength starts to fail and dark fears arise,
You ques­tion His pro­mise, tears fill your eyes.

You think life is o’er, you can’t car­ry on,
Your foot­steps on fire, and strength is gone;
But on­ly be­lieve: your fear will take wings,
The sand turn to pools, and life giv­ing springs!

The Word of God speaks, put down your des­pair:
I al­ways am with you, as close as pray­er;
My love watch­es o’er you, still ev­er the same,
And he who be­lieves, shall ne­ver know shame.

So cast your bur­den on the Lord;
Your God will sus­tain you and help af­ford;
He will not aban­don faith to the grave,
Fear not, He is able, migh­ty to save.

It ne­ver was o’er—God does not for­sake;
Mirage gives way to spark­ling lake!
What God has pro­mised, that will He do:
The bless­ing of Hea­ven rains down anew.