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Scripture Verse

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Matthew 9:37


Sabine Baring-Gould
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Bern­hardt S. In­ge­mann, 1825 (Igjen­nem Nat og Traen­gael). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Sa­bine Bar­ing-Gould in The Peo­ple’s Hym­nal, 1867.

Music: Beech­er John Zun­del, Chris­tian Heart Songs 1870 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Bernhardt S. Ingemann (1789–1862)


Through the night of doubt and sor­row
Onward goes the pil­grim band,
Singing songs of ex­pec­ta­tion,
Marching to the pro­mised land.
Clear be­fore us through the dark­ness
Gleams and burns the guid­ing light:
Brother clasps the hand of bro­ther,
Stepping fear­less through the night.

One the light of God’s own pre­sence,
O’er His ran­somed people shed,
Chasing far the gloom and ter­ror,
Brightening all the path we tread:
One the ob­ject of our jour­ney,
One the faith which nev­er tires,
One the ear­nest look­ing for­ward,
One the hope our God in­spires.

One the strain that lips of thou­sands
Lift as from the heart of one;
One the con­flict, one the per­il
One the march in God be­gun:
One the glad­ness of re­joic­ing
On the far eter­nal shore,
Where the one al­migh­ty Fa­ther
Reigns in love for ev­er­more.

Onward, there­fore, pil­grim bro­thers,
Onward, with the cross our aid!
Bear its shame, and fight its bat­tle,
Till we rest be­neath its shade.
Soon shall come the great awak­ing,
Soon the rend­ing of the tomb;
Then the scat­ter­ing of all sha­dows,
And the end of toil and gloom.