Scripture Verse

The fear of the Lord prolongs life. Proverbs 10:27


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs, Book 1, 1707, num­ber 80. An ev­en­ing hymn.

Music: Heb­ron Low­ell Ma­son, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Thus far the Lord hath led me on,
Thus far His pow­er pro­longs my days,
And ev­ery ev­en­ing shall make known
Some fresh me­mor­ial of His grace.

Much of my time has run to waste,
And I, per­haps, am near my home;
But He for­gives my fol­lies past,
And gives me strength for days to come.

I lay my bo­dy down to sleep;
Peace is the pil­low for my head;
While well ap­point­ed an­gels keep
Their watch­ful sta­tions round my bed.

In vain the sons of earth or hell
Tell me a thou­sand fright­ful things
My God in safe­ty makes me dwell
Beneath the sha­dow of His wings.

Faith in His name for­bids my fear;
O may Thy pre­sence ne’er de­part!
And in the morn­ing make me hear
The love and kind­ness of Thy heart.

Thus, when the night of death shall come,
My flesh shall rest be­neath the ground,
And wait Thy voice to rouse my tomb,
With sweet sal­va­tion in the sound.