Scripture Verse

In My Father’s house are many mansions…I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2–3


Ray Palmer (1808–1887)

Words: Ray Pal­mer, 1854.

Music: De­us Tu­or­um Mi­li­tum Gre­no­ble An­ti­phon­er, 1753 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Another of Dr. Ray Pal­mer’s hymns on hea­ven. It was pub­lished first in the Sab­bath Hymn-Book, 1858…and he has reck­oned the date of its com­po­si­tion as ear­ly as 1854.

This en­thu­si­as­tic po­et was in the ha­bit of re­peat­ing re­li­gious po­et­ry at the bed­side of in­val­ids, in­stead of seek­ing to hold wea­ry­ing con­ve­rs­ations with them. There is a ma­ni­fest ad­van­tage in this, for ge­ne­ral­ly it does lit­tle more than re­mind the one who is fee­ble of what he real­ly knew be­fore; and with the aid of the rhyme, and more oft­en the me­ter, he can fol­low the line of think­ing more ea­si­ly…

In the hymns of ev­ery lang­uage can be found the best theo­lo­gy and high­est spir­it­ua­li­ty of the ev­an­gel­ic­al peo­ple who speak it; and so one of the wis­est coun­sels to a young cler­gy­man is that he com­mit such to me­mo­ry. This par­ti­cu­lar piece was, with the au­thor, a fa­vo­rite in such ex­er­cis­es.

Robinson, p. 471


Thy Fa­ther’s house! Thine own bright home!
And Thou hast there a place for me!
Though yet an ex­ile here I roam,
That dist­ant home by faith I see.

I see its domes re­splen­dent glow,
Where beams of God’s own glo­ry fall;
And trees of life im­mor­tal grow,
Whose fruits o’er­hang the sap­phire wall.

I know that Thou, who on the tree
Didst deign our mor­tal guilt to bear,
Will bring Thine own to dwell with Thee,
And wait­est to re­ceive me there.

Thy love will there ar­ray my soul
In Thine own robe of spot­less hue;
And I shall gaze while ag­es roll,
On Thee, with rap­tures ev­er new.

O wel­come day! when Thou my feet
Shalt bring the shin­ing thresh­old o’er;
A Fa­ther’s warm em­brace to meet,
And dwell at home for ev­er­more.