There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Pure Gold, edited by Robert Lowry & Howard Doane (New York: Biglow & Main, 1871), number 46.
Music: Karlsruhe in Augsburg Songs (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lutheran Publication Society, 1885), number 39 (🔊
There is a name divinely sweet,
That melts the heart to love,
And wakes the highest note of praise
From angel choirs above;
It guides the mourning wanderer home;
It calms the troubled wave;
In all the realms beneath the skies,
No other name can save.
Dear Savior, Thine the precious name
That melts the heart to love,
And wakes the highest note of praise
From angel choirs above.
That name devotion’s flame inspires
In every grateful breast;
And thro’ its all prevailing power
We hope, and look for rest;
It brings us near the throne of grace,
By faith and earnest prayer;
It brings to every waiting soul
A Father’s blessing there.
The saints redeemed, with one accord,
The name in glory sing;
And o’er the radiant fields of light,
Their loud hosannas ring;
Eternal Father, source of light!
Inspire our grateful lays;
And teach our hearts in nobler strains
That blessèd name to praise.