Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.
Psalm 119:11
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1912.
Music: Hubert P. Main (🔊
The Holy Bible, to a very large extent, formed [Fanny’s] early mental training. She had learned and was able to repeat from memory the first five books of the Bible, most of the New Testament, many of the Psalms, the Proverbs of Solomon, the Book of Ruth, with the deep and tender love story of Solomon’s Songs.
The Scriptures were her daily food, and no book in all the realm of literature was as precious to her girlhood as the living Word, and it has remained so all through her life.
Jackson, p. 4
O Book, that with reverence I honor,
What joy in thy pages I see!
O Book of my childhood devotion,
More precious than rubies to me.
Thy law have I hid in my heart,
My boast and my glory hou art;
O Book that my fathers have trusted,
Thy law have I hid in my heart!
O Book, that, inspired, is my refuge,
My comfort by night and by day;
Whose precepts have led me to Jesus,
And taught me to watch and to pray.
O Book, that is firm and abiding,
Whose truth is the light of my soul;
Whose counsel is ever before me
When waves of adversity roll.
O Book, where my Savior revealeth
His wonderful promise divine,
That if unto death I am faithful,
A crown at His hand will be mine.