Scripture Verse

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. Revelation 5:12


Luther O. Emerson

Words: John Kent, 1803.

Music: Ar Hyd Y Nos, tra­di­tion­al Welsh tune. Har­mo­ny by Lu­ther O. Em­er­son, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John Kent (1766–1843)


’Tis the Church tri­um­phant sing­ing,
Worthy the Lamb!
Heav’n through­out with prais­es ring­ing,
Worthy the Lamb!
Thrones and pow­ers be­fore Him bend­ing,
Odors sweet with voice as­cend­ing,
Swell the chor­us nev­er end­ing,
Worthy the Lamb!

Every kin­dred, tongue and na­tion—
Worthy the Lamb!
Join to sing the great sal­va­tion;
Worthy the Lamb!

Loud as migh­ty thun­ders roar­ing,
Floods of migh­ty wa­ters pour­ing,
Prostrate at his feet ad­or­ing,
Worthy the Lamb!

Harps and song for ev­er sound­ing,
Worthy the Lamb!
Mighty grace o’er sin abound­ing,
Worthy the Lamb!
By His blood He dear­ly bought us;
Wandering from the fold He sought us;
And to glo­ry, safe­ly brought us:
Worthy the Lamb!