Scripture Verse

It is finished. John 19:30


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Short Hymns (Bris­tol, Eng­land: E. Far­ley, 1762), Vol­ume 2, page 234.

Music: Oli­ve’s Brow Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1853 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


’Tis fin­ished! The Mes­si­ah dies,
Cut off for sins, but not His own:
Accomplished is the sac­ri­fice,
The great re­deem­ing work is done.

’Tis fin­ished! all the debt is paid;
Justice di­vine is sa­tis­fied;
The grand and full atone­ment made;
God for a guil­ty world hath died.

The veil is rent in Christ alone;
The liv­ing way to Hea­ven is seen;
The mid­dle wall is brok­en down,
And all man­kind may en­ter in.

The types and fig­ures are ful­filled;
Exacted is the le­gal pain;
The pre­cious pr­omis­es are sealed;
The spot­less Lamb of God is slain.

The reign of sin and death is o’er,
And all may live from sin set free;
Satan hath lost his mor­tal pow­er;
’Tis swal­lowed up in vic­to­ry.

Saved from the le­gal curse I am,
My Sav­ior hangs on yon­der tree:
See there the meek, ex­pir­ing Lamb!
’Tis fin­ished! He ex­pires for me.

Accepted in the Well-be­loved,
And clothed in right­eous­ness di­vine,
I see the bar to Hea­ven re­moved;
And all Thy mer­its, Lord, are mine.

Death, hell, and sin are now sub­dued;
All grace is now to sin­ners giv­en;
And lo, I plead the aton­ing blood,
And in Thy right I claim Thy Hea­ven!

The Burial of Jesus
Gustave Doré (1832–1883)