Scripture Verse

Power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils. Mark 3:15


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: A Tro­pa­ri­an in the Or­der of Ho­ly Unc­tion, in The Eu­cho­lo­gi­on (Ven­ice, It­aly: 1897), page 266 (Ταχὺς εἰς ἀν­τίλ­ηψιν, μό­νος ὑπάρ­χωτν Χρισ­τέ). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by John Brown­lie, Greek Of­fice Books, 1904, page 19.

Music: Dol­gel­ly Welsh hymn tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


Thou, Lord, hast pow­er to heal,
And Thou wilt quick­ly aid,
For Thou dost deep­ly feel
The stripes up­on us laid:
Thou who wast wound­ed by the rod
Uplifted in the hand of God.

Send speedy help, we pray,
To him who ail­ing lies,
That from his couch he may
With thank­ful heart arise;
Through pray­ers which all avail­ing find
Thine ear, O Lov­er of man­kind.

O blind­ed are our eyes,
And all are held in night;
But like the blind who cries,
We cry to Thee for light;
In pe­ni­tence, O Christ, we pray,
Give us the ra­di­ant light of day.