He is not here, but is risen.
Luke 24:6
Words: Eden R. Latta, in The Promised Crown, edited by James E. Thomas & Franklin L. Eiland (Oletha, Texas: James E. Thomas, 1892).
Music: Franklin L. Eiland (🔊
Adieu to every fear!
The tomb is empty now!
Ye need not seek Him here!
The tomb is empty now!
He reigns, He reigns in Heav’n,
In Heav’n today, today;
A crown upon His brow!
His brow! The shadows flee,
The shadows flee away!
Away! The tomb is empty now!
In death He closed His eyes!
The tomb is empty now!
By faith I see Him rise!
The tomb is empty now!
Behold where He was laid!
The tomb is empty now!
Our debt of sin He paid!
The tomb is empty now!
In Him our hopes we place!
The tomb is empty now!
And we shall see His face!
The tomb is empty now!