Thy will be done.
Matthew 6:10
Words & Music: Herbert H. Booth, 1889 (🔊
To me, dear Savior, yes, to me,
Speak out Thy utmost will;
What Thy great love doth bid me do,
I surely can fulfill;
What Thy great love doth bid me do,
I surely can fulfill;
What Thy great love doth bid me do,
I surely can fulfill.
There is not in my heart left one treasure, dear Lord,
That I cannot yield gladly to Thee;
Only let, in Thy mercy, Thy pleadings be heard;
They shall gladly be answered by me,
They shall gladly be answered by me.
To me, dear Savior, yes, to me,
Thy gracious pardon show,
That not one sin I’ve ever sinned
May unforgiven go;
That not one sin I’ve ever sinned
May unforgiven go;
That not one sin I’ve ever sinned
May unforgiven go.
To me, dear Savior, yes, to me,
The flood gates open wide,
That even I may stoop and wash
Within the crimson tide;
That even I may stoop and wash
Within the crimson tide;
That even I may stoop and wash
Within the crimson tide.
To me, dear Savior, yes, to me,
To me, the least of all,
With all my consciousness of guilt,
Thou hast for me a call;
With all my consciousness of guilt,
Thou hast for me a call;
With all my consciousness of guilt,
Thou hast for me a call.