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Scripture Verse

Thy will be done. Matthew 6:10


Words & Mu­sic: Her­bert H. Booth, 1889 (🔊 ).

Herbert H. Booth


To me, dear Sav­ior, yes, to me,
Speak out Thy ut­most will;
What Thy great love doth bid me do,
I sure­ly can ful­fill;
What Thy great love doth bid me do,
I sure­ly can ful­fill;
What Thy great love doth bid me do,
I sure­ly can ful­fill.


There is not in my heart left one trea­sure, dear Lord,
That I can­not yield glad­ly to Thee;
Only let, in Thy mer­cy, Thy plead­ings be heard;
They shall glad­ly be an­swered by me,
They shall gladly be an­swered by me.

To me, dear Sav­ior, yes, to me,
Thy gra­cious par­don show,
That not one sin I’ve ev­er sinned
May un­for­giv­en go;
That not one sin I’ve ev­er sinned
May un­for­giv­en go;
That not one sin I’ve ev­er sinned
May un­for­giv­en go.


To me, dear Sav­ior, yes, to me,
The flood gates op­en wide,
That ev­en I may stoop and wash
Within the cri­mson tide;
That ev­en I may stoop and wash
Within the crim­son tide;
That even I may stoop and wash
Within the crim­son tide.


To me, dear Sav­ior, yes, to me,
To me, the least of all,
With all my con­scious­ness of guilt,
Thou hast for me a call;
With all my con­scious­ness of guilt,
Thou hast for me a call;
With all my con­scious­ness of guilt,
Thou hast for me a call.
