Unto Thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto Thee do we give thanks: for that Thy name is near Thy wondrous works declare.
Psalm 75:1
Words: Tom F. McBeath, 1899. Appeared in Crown of Beauty, edited by Leonard Daugherty & James H. Rosecrans (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing, 1902), number 87.
To Thee, O God, whose Father hand
Showers plenty o’er this smiling land,
And leads us through life’s devious ways,
We bring today our song of praise.
For earth with all its glorious things,
For life with all the joy it brings,
For busy day, for quiet night,
We thank Thee, Lord of life and light.
For teachers kind and classmates dear,
That make the days so happy here,
For strength our play or tasks to do,
Dear Father, we would thank, Thee, too.
For home, where all life’s blessings meet,
For brothers true and sisters sweet,
For father’s care and mother’s love,
We thank Thee, Lord of Heav’n above.
And now, through all the days to be,
O lead us, Father, tenderly,
And guide our steps by day and night,
Still t’ward Thine everlasting light.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.