Scripture Verse

Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Matthew 24:6


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley (1707–1788). Ap­peared in The Un­pub­lished Po­et­ry of Charles Wes­ley, Volume III (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Ab­ing­don Press, 1992), pag­es 76–77.

Music: Fran­ces James Mc­Gra­na­han, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

James McGranahan (1840–1907)



To whom in peril and dis­tress
While grow­ing ills our land op­press,
Should we for re­fuge fly?
Jesus, from age to age the same,
We find, con­fid­ing in Thy name,
The strength of Is­ra­el nigh.

Of wars and ru­mored wars we hear,
But Thy com­mand for­bids our fear,
And un­believ­ing haste;
In Thee our qui­et souls we hide
And safe be­neath Thy wings abide,
Till ev­ery storm is past.

Our on­ly care Thy grace to gain
And stead­fast in the faith re­main
Which sweet­ly works by love,
To prove Thine ac­cept­able will
And all Thy dear com­mands ful­fill
As an­gels do above.

Us, whom Thy mind and Spir­it arm,
Nor sword nor pes­ti­lence can harm,
Nor earth or hell an­noy;
The plagues that on the wick­ed seize
Can ne­ver in­ter­rupt our peace,
Or rob us of our joy.

We thus to meet our God pre­pare,
By con­stant watch­ful­ness and pray­er,
By toils of love re­newed,
Assured that all events shall join
Accomplishing Thy blest de­sign
In our eter­nal good.

O Son of Man, O God most high
We on Thy faith­ful word re­ly
For per­se­ver­ing grace,
Till ful­ly saved and count­ed meet
We stand, in ho­li­ness com­plete,
Before Thy glo­ri­ous face.