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Scripture Verse

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:10


Words & Mu­sic: Tul­li­us C. O’Kane, Dew Drops of Sac­red Song (New York: Phi­lip Phil­lips and Hitch­cock & Wal­den, 1870), num­ber 46 (🔊 ).

Tullius O’Kane (1830–1912)


There’s a crown in Heav’n for the striv­ing soul,
Which the bless­èd Je­sus Him­self will place
On the head of each who shall faith­ful prove,
Even un­to death, in the heav’n­ly race.
Oh, may that crown in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the an­gels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my dai­ly guide,
Let me ev­er in Thy love abide.

There’s a rest in Heav’n for the wea­ry soul,
’Tis for all by care and by sin op­pressed;
To the sons of God it re­main­eth sure,
And the Pro­phet says, ’tis a glo­ri­ous rest.
Oh, may that rest in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the an­gels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my dai­ly guide,
Let me ev­er in Thy love abide.

There’s a joy in Heav’n for the mourn­ing soul;
Though the tears may fall all the earth­ly night;
Yet the clouds of sad­ness will break away,
And re­joic­ing comes with the morn­ing light.
Oh, may that joy in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the an­gels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my dai­ly guide,
Let me ev­er in Thy love abide.

There’s a peace in Heav’n for the trou­bled soul,
Where the wick­ed shall from their troub­ling cease,
And to all the saints like a riv­er flow,
Through the end­less ages the stream of peace.
Oh, may that peace in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the an­gels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my dai­ly guide,
Let me ev­er in Thy love abide.

There’s a home in Heav’n for the faith­ful soul,
In the many man­sions pre­pared above,
Where the glo­ri­fied shall for­ev­er sing,
Of a Sav­ior’s free and un­bound­ed love.
Oh, may that home in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the an­gels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my dai­ly guide,
Let me ev­er in Thy love abide.