Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Revelation 2:10
Words & Music: Tullius C. O’Kane, Dew Drops of Sacred Song (New York: Philip Phillips and Hitchcock & Walden, 1870), number 46 (🔊
There’s a crown in Heav’n for the striving soul,
Which the blessèd Jesus Himself will place
On the head of each who shall faithful prove,
Even unto death, in the heav’nly race.
Oh, may that crown in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the angels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my daily guide,
Let me ever in Thy love abide.
There’s a rest in Heav’n for the weary soul,
’Tis for all by care and by sin oppressed;
To the sons of God it remaineth sure,
And the Prophet says, ’tis a glorious rest.
Oh, may that rest in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the angels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my daily guide,
Let me ever in Thy love abide.
There’s a joy in Heav’n for the mourning soul;
Though the tears may fall all the earthly night;
Yet the clouds of sadness will break away,
And rejoicing comes with the morning light.
Oh, may that joy in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the angels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my daily guide,
Let me ever in Thy love abide.
There’s a peace in Heav’n for the troubled soul,
Where the wicked shall from their troubling cease,
And to all the saints like a river flow,
Through the endless ages the stream of peace.
Oh, may that peace in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the angels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my daily guide,
Let me ever in Thy love abide.
There’s a home in Heav’n for the faithful soul,
In the many mansions prepared above,
Where the glorified shall forever sing,
Of a Savior’s free and unbounded love.
Oh, may that home in Heav’n be mine,
And I among the angels shine;
Be Thou, O Lord! my daily guide,
Let me ever in Thy love abide.