The truth of the Lord endureth for ever.
Psalm 117:2
Words: Thomas H. Stockton, Stand Up for Jesus! A Christian Ballad (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: T. H. Stockton, 1858), page 36.
Music: Abends Herbert S. Oakeley, 1874 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
Can truth divine fulfillment fail?
Sooner shall star-crowned nature die!
Truth is the very breath of God—
Part of His own eternity!
Earth’s every pulse may cease to flow,
And every voice be heard no more
The forest crumble on the mount—
The sea corrupt upon the shore;
The moon’s supply of light expire,
The sun itself grow dense with gloom,
And fairer systems, sphered afar,
Dissolving, own the common doom.
But long as stands Jehovah’s throne,
Long as His being shall endure
So long the truth His lips proclaim
Remains inviolably sure.