Scripture Verse

Ye are My witnesses, saith the Lord. Isaiah 43:12


William S. Nickle (1853–1914)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749, Vol­ume 1, num­ber 202. Be­fore preach­ing in Cornwall.

Music: Fru­men­ti­us Will­iam S. Nick­le, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


True wit­ness of the Fa­ther’s love,
Celestial mes­sen­ger di­vine,
Come in Thy Spir­it from above,
The hearts which Thou hast made in­cline,
Thy faith­ful re­cord to re­ceive
That all may hear Thy voice and live.

Send forth the ev­er­last­ing Word,
The Word of re­con­cil­ing grace,
That all may know their bleed­ing Lord,
The free­ly prof­fered gift em­brace,
Hang on the all-aton­ing Lamb,
And bless the sound of Je­sus’ name.

Jesu, Thou on­ly hast the key,
Open the great ef­fec­tu­al door,
Extend Thy line from sea to sea,
And glo­ri­fy Thy mer­cy’s pow­er,
Redeem the wretch­ed slaves of sin,
And force Thy re­bels to come in.

Now to Thy yoke their spir­its bow,
Thy way in­to their hearts pre­pare,
Be pre­sent with Thy ser­vants now,
With me Thy mean­est mes­sen­ger,
Who hum­bly at Thy bid­ding come,
To call my fel­low ex­iles home.

Fisher of men or­dained by Thee,
O might I catch them by Thy love!
Thy love be first be­stowed on me,
And while the pleas­ing pow­er I prove,
My tongue shall ec­ho to my heart,
And tell the world how good Thou art.

Teach me to cast my net aright,
The Gos­pel net of ge­ne­ral grace,
So shall I all to Thee in­vite,
And draw them to their Lord’s em­brace,
Within Thine arms of love in­clude,
And catch a will­ing mul­ti­tude.

O might I ev­ery mourn­er cheer,
And trou­ble ev­ery heart of stone,
Save, un­der Thee, the souls that hear,
Nor lose, in seek­ing them, my own,
Nor base­ly from my call­ing fly,
But for Thy Gos­pel live, and die.