Scripture Verse

The angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10–11


John Lawley (1859–1922)

Words: First ap­peared ano­ny­mous­ly in the Sal­va­tion Ar­my’s The Of­fi­cer, May 1893. The song went through a num­ber of re­vi­sions, in­clud­ing the add­it­ion of vers­es by John Law­ley, though it is un­clear which vers­es are Law­ley’s and which are orig­in­al.

Music: Ano­ny­mous (🔊 pdf nwc).


When Je­sus was born in the man­ger
The shep­herds came thi­ther to see,
For the an­gels pro­claimed
That a Sav­ior was born
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
For the an­gels pro­claimed
That a Sav­ior was born
To save a poor sin­ner like me.

He was wounded for my trans­gress­ions,
Acquainted with sor­row was He;
In the gar­den He prayed,
And sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
In the gar­den He prayed,
And sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.

He was brought to Pi­late for judg­ment,
He was sen­tenced to hang on a tree.
It is fin­ished! He cried,
When He suf­fered and died
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
It is fin­ished! He cried,
When He suf­fered and died
To save a poor sin­ner like me.

But death and the grave could not hold Him,
He burst them asun­der for thee.
On the third day He rose,
In spite of His foes,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
On the third day He rose,
In spite of His foes,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.

I’m fight­ing my pass­age to Hea­ven,
O’er death I shall con­quer­or be.
Then to glo­ry I’ll fly,
And shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sin­ner like me.
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner,
To save a poor sin­ner like me.
Then to glo­ry I’ll fly,
And shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sin­ner like me.