Scripture Verse

A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son. Isaiah 7:14


Words: An­na B. Hop­pe, 1920.

Music: Mitt Hjer­ta Ko­ral­bok, 1884 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Anna B. Hoppe (1889–1941)


Thou vir­gin-born in­car­nate Word,
Begotten of the Fa­ther,
Blest Son of Ma­ry, Da­vid’s Lord,
In Thy dear name we ga­ther.
As Thou hast pro­mised, be Thou nigh,
And hear us as we tes­ti­fy,
Thou art the Christ, our Sav­ior.

The herald in the wil­der­ness
Prepares the way be­fore Thee;
With him let us Thy name con­fess,
With him let us adore Thee.
Grant that we heark­en to his cry,
Repent, the king­dom draw­eth nigh,
And seek Thee, Christ our Sav­ior.

Thou art in­deed God’s ho­ly Son,
Beloved of Him so dear­ly,
The migh­ty works that Thou hast done
Reveal Thy God­head clear­ly:
The blind can see, the sick are healed,
The lips once dumb are now un­sealed,
All pow­er is Thine, dear Je­sus!

Thou art our peace, our right­eous­ness,
The rock of our sal­va­tion.
Clothed in Thy garb of ho­li­ness,
We fear no con­dem­na­tion.
Thy blood has cleansed away our sin,
Through Thee eter­nal life we win,
O cru­ci­fied Re­deem­er!