I have found my lost sheep.
Luke 15:6
Words & Music: Albert S. Reitz, 1918 (🔊
I was lost in sin when Jesus found me,
But He rescued me, all glory to His name!
And the cords of worldly pleasure bound me,
Till He saved me from sin and shame.
’Twas a glad day when Jesus found me,
When His strong arms were thrown around me;
When my sins He buried in the deepest sea,
And my soul He filled with joy and victory.
’Twas a glad day, O hallelujah!
’Twas a glad day He claimed His own.
I will shout a glad hosanna in glory
When I see Him upon His throne.
O the bells of Heaven now are ringing,
For I hear their tones within my ransomed soul;
And my heart is filled with joyful singing
Since the Savior has made me whole.
O the joy when we shall meet in glory,
In the mansions of my Father’s home above;
And through endless ages tell the story
Of the Savior’s redeeming love.