Scripture Verse

The Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, took bread. 1 Corinthians 11:23


Karl P. E. Bach (1714–1788)

Words: John Mor­ris­on, Scot­tish Pa­ra­phras­es 1791.

Music: Rock­ing­ham (Mill­er) Karl P. E. Bach (1714–1788). Ar­ranged by Ed­ward Mill­er, 1790 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edward Miller (1735–1807)
National Portrait Gallery



’Twas on that night, when doomed to know
The ea­ger rage of ev­ery foe,
That night in which He was be­trayed,
The Sav­ior of the world took bread.

And af­ter thanks and glo­ry giv’n
To Him that rules in earth and Heav’n,
That sym­bol of His flesh He broke,
And thus to all his fol­low­ers spoke:

My brok­en body thus I give
For you, for all. Take, eat, and live.
And oft the sac­red rite re­new
That brings My sav­ing love to view.

Then in His hands the cup He raised,
And God anew He thanked and praised,
While kind­ness in His bo­som glowed,
And from His lips sal­va­tion flowed.

My blood I thus pour forth, He cries,
“To cleanse the soul in sin that lies;
In this the co­ve­nant is sealed,
And Hea­ven’s eter­nal grace re­vealed.

With love to man this cup is fraught;
Let all par­take the sac­red draught;
Through lat­est ages let it pour,
In me­mo­ry of My dy­ing hour.