Scripture Verse

When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the night watches. Because Thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice. Psalm 63:6–7


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Mid­night thoughts re­col­lect­ed.

Music: Kings­fold, Eng­lish tune. Ar­ranged by Ralph Vaugh­an Will­iams, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ralph Vaughan Williams


’Twas in the watch­es of the night
I thought up­on Thy pow­er,
I kept Thy love­ly face in sight
Amidst the dark­est hour.

My flesh lay rest­ing on my bed,
My soul arose on high:
My God, my life my hope, I said,
Bring Thy sal­va­tion nigh.

My spir­it la­bors up Thine hill,
And climbs the heav’n­ly road;
But Thy right hand up­holds me still,
While I pur­sue my God.

Thy mer­cy stretch­es o’er my head
The sha­dow of Thy wings;
My heart re­joices in Thine aid,
My tongue awakes and sings.

But the de­stroy­ers of my peace
Shall fret and rage in vain;
The tempt­er shall for ev­er cease,
And all my sins be slain.

Thy sword shall give my foes to death,
And send them down to dwell,
In the dark ca­verns of the earth,
Or to the dep­ths of hell.