Scripture Verse

…that they may be one, even as We are One. John 17:22


Words: Will­iam H. Tur­ton, 1881. This hymn was writ­ten for the Eng­lish Church Un­ion An­ni­ver­sa­ry Ser­vice at St. Ma­ry Mag­da­lene’s in Mun­ster Square, Lon­don. It ap­peared in Al­tar Hymns in 1884.

Music: Sac­ra­men­tum Uni­ta­tis Charles H. Lloyd, 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tur­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles H. Lloyd (1849–1919)


Thou, who at Thy first Eu­cha­rist didst pray
That all Thy Church might be for­ev­er one,
Grant us at ev­ery Eu­cha­rist to say
With long­ing heart and soul, Thy will be done.
O may we all one bread, one bo­dy be,
Through this blest sac­ra­ment of uni­ty.

For all Thy Church, O Lord, we in­ter­cede;
Make Thou our sad di­vi­sions soon to cease;
Draw us the near­er each to each, we plead,
By draw­ing all to Thee, O Prince of Peace;
Thus may we all one bread, one bo­dy be,
Through this blest sac­ra­ment of uni­ty.

We pray Thee too for wan­der­ers from Thy fold;
O bring them back, good Shep­herd of the sheep,
Back to the faith which saints be­lieved of old,
Back to the Church which still that faith doth keep;
Soon may we all one bread, one bo­dy be,
Through this blest sac­ra­ment of un­ity.

So, Lord, at length when sac­ra­ments shall cease,
May we be one with all Thy Church ab­ove,
One with Thy saints in one un­brok­en peace,
One with Thy saints in one un­bound­ed love;
More bless­èd still, in peace and love to be
One with the Tri­ni­ty in uni­ty.